How do I add PAR-Q form to my account?

About forms

Currently, you have access to three forms inside of Superset: an application, onboarding, and check-in forms.
PAR-Q forms will be coming to Superset soon as a new native feature.

How to add a PAR-Q form to your account

*To attach the PAR-Q form to your client’s invite email
Go to your clients dashboard.
Select “Add client” on the right-hand side and go through steps 1 + 2 of entering their details.
When you get to the last step, select “add attachment” at the bottom and attach the PAR-Q form. It will be sent via email to your client.

*To link the PAR-Q form inside your client’s content section
Go to your clients dashboard.
Select your client. Under the “Content” section, select “Edit content”.
Select “+ Add more content”. Add the link and name of the PAR-Q form. Click “Save content”.

Need help or running into problems? Contact us here.

Updated on: 01/02/2024

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