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How Stripe handles payment retry attempts

How Stripe handles payment retry attempts

We've integrated Stripe's best-in-class payment infrastructure to provide you with state of the art turn-key payments as you scale and sell to customers worldwide. Because Stripe has their own rules and capabilities, we sometimes get questions around how failed payments are handled.

Payment retry attempts

If you're a creator or a consumer, our system will automatically retry your payment 8 times within 3 weeks. Stripe uses its own heuristics to determine the best times to attempt the retries within those parameters. You can also re-enter a card to get the system to immediately retry your payment.

For creators subscribed to Superset, you will lose access to editing capabilities within the creator dashboard until you update your card on file and re-subscribe in your creator account here.

For consumers subscribed to a monthly membership product, they will have access until the last failed attempt in week 3, and they see a message about updating their payment.

Failed payments

If you're finding that a payment is not going through, it could be due to a variety of reasons: insufficient funds, risk of fraud, or a problem with your card or bank provider (in which you'll need to call and have them unblock your payment). Here is a full list of reasons in which Stripe can produce a failed payment.

Updated on: 05/10/2023

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